BENEATH THE SHINING DARE ALBUM:[ DARE ] Posted by hara at 2004年04月09日 15:07
I thought it time to catch up with Dare frontman Darren Wharton for a quick chat about the band's new album Beneath The Shining Water.The album is due out in Europe through MTM Music June 7, with a preview song Sea Of Roses currently available.
I caught Darren in the midst of the final mix - the very last track to be done in fact. He describes the album as a mix of Out Of The Silence and Calm Before The Storm and definitely rockier than the band's last album Belief. But don't expect anything like Blood From Stone. Darren is adamant he won't record anything as heavy as that again.
The album features a couple of very radio friendly tracks which Darren hopes will catch the attention of radio programmers in the UK, just as White Horses did from Belief. The rest of the album is a little darker and moodier.
And Darren also apologizes for the lack of Dare website updates. He has been "killing himself" getting Beneath The Shining Water completed and hopes to spend a little more time on the web soon.
So don't forget the album is due out June 7 and Dare will appear live at a few European festivals over the summer, including the Deep Impact Open Air Festival in Munich, July 24! (www.deep-impact2004.de).
A sneak preview of the new album will hopefully be available here sometime soon!
トラックバックURL : http://www.hardrocktaxi.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/219
MTMさんのサイトにて"Benieth The Shinning Water"/Dareのジャケットが発表されていました♪(オフィシャルにあったジャケットらしき画像は違かったんですね)本当に発売されるんだと…実感が湧いてきます。6月7日が待ち遠しいです♪ 昨日のHMシンジケートではTenの新曲が
Weblog: robbi+blog | Tracked: 2004年05月09日 10:40
MTMさんのサイトにて"Benieth The Shinning Water"/Dareのジャケットが発表されていました♪(オフィシャルにあったジャケットらしき画像は違かったんですね)本当に発売されるんだと…実感が湧いてきます。6月7日が待ち遠しいです♪ 昨日のHMシンジケートではTenの新曲が
Weblog: robbi+blog | Tracked: 2004年05月09日 10:40